Choice: Economics Materials for Success
What do I post?
Economics materials for Principles of Microeconomics/Macroeconomics classes, e.g., worksheets with practice questions based on current news articles
Who should subscribe?
Economics educators teaching Principles of Microeconomics/Macroeconomics at university or high school level
Students learning Economics
Homeschooling parents looking for resources to help their children understand Economics
Why should you subscribe?
To always have engaging worksheets related to recent and/or interesting news articles
To increase student engagement by making the material in Principles of Economics classes relevant to the students
To help students understand basic economic concepts and ideas through real-world examples
To get full access to the posted materials and to never miss an update
What is the mission of Choice: Economics Materials for Success?
To assist in teaching and understanding decision making in a world of scarcity
“Choice: Economics materials for success” has been developed in collaboration with the Foundation for Economic Education, whose learning resources are dedicated to empowering future leaders by instilling key economic, ethical, and legal principles that underpin a free society.